
Showing posts from 2020

Juliet Rose

A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but would it fetch as high a price-tag? This bloom is very rare in the modern world and back in 2006 one grower sold his bloom for a staggering $15.8 million (c. £10 million) after harvesting it for as long as 15 years. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites


Chrysanthemums  sometimes called  mums  or  chrysanths , are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum  in the family Asteraceae. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. Countless horticultural varieties and cultivars exist. Chrysanthemumswere first cultivated in China as a flowering herb as far back as the 15th century BC. Over 500 cultivars had been recorded by 1630. By the year 2014 it was estimated that there are now over 20,000 cultivars in the world and about 7,000 cultivars in China. The plant is renowned as one of the Four Gentlemen in Chinese and East Asian Art. The plant is particularly significant during the Double Ninth Festival. Chrysanthemum cultivation began in Japan during the Nara and Heian periods (early 8th to late 12th centuries), and gained popularity in the Edo period (early 17th to late 19th century). Many flower shapes, colours, and varieties were created. The way the

Bee fingerprints

The insects secrete invisible markers when they touch their feet on a surface, which can be detected by themselves and other bumblebees. Researchers from the University of Bristol, in the UK, found that bees can distinguish between their own scent, the scent of a relative and that of a stranger. This ability can be used to improve their success at finding good sources of food and avoiding flowers that have already been visited and mined of nutrients. Bee fingerprints “Bumblebees secrete a substance whenever they touch their feet to a surface, much like us leaving fingerprints on whatever we touch,” says the lead author, Richard Pearce. “Marks of this invisible substance can be detected by themselves and other bumblebees, and are referred to as scent-marks.” “We performed three separate experiments with bumblebees, where they were repeatedly exposed to rewarding and unrewarding flowers simultaneously that had footprints from different bees attached to them.” In the study, each flower ty

Olive Trees

Olive Trees Though not a traditional flower, no list of religious plants would be complete without the olive tree. From ancient times until today, olive branches have long been a symbol of peace and victory throughout much of the world. The tree also holds special significance to each of the three Abrahamic religions. Muslims associate olive trees with Paradise, and it is said that Muhammad anointed himself with olive oil so often that his prayer shawl became saturated with it. In Christianity, some traditions hold that Jesus was crucified on a cross made of olive wood, and archaeologists have found crucifixion nails that had slivers of olive wood still attached.  For Jews, olive trees represent peace, prosperity, beauty and God’s relationship with His people. Olive oil was used for many things in ancient Israel, from cooking to anointing kings, and olive branches still appear on the Israeli emblem today in honor of that history. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your


Poinsettias Poinsettias are associated in the West almost solely with Christmas. They are everywhere around the holiday. Unsurprisingly, this flower has quite a bit of symbolism. The star shape of the flowers is said to represent the Star of Bethlehem, and the red petals stand for Jesus’ blood. Legend has it that a young girl in Mexico was once sad that she could not afford a present to bring to the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus. As she was walking along, an angel inspired her to pick a handful of weed flowers from the side of the road. She took them with her, and when she laid them in front of the nativity, the weeds turned into a red poinsettia bush. Given that the flower is associated with the celebration of Christ’s birth, it is ironic that the plant is actually poisonous. This is why houses with small children often do not display poinsettias. The bright red flowers and unusually textured petals might prove to be too tempting for curious youngsters to resis


The black pansy is such a dark purple that it looks almost completely black. Other varieties have colorful petals with a black spot close to the middle of the flower. These little flowers are hardy and brilliant at brightening up any garden (depending on which color you get). The black pansy is also said to attract love to one who carries it. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites


Ophrys To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Drakaea glyptodon

Drakaea glyptodon To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Hoya lasiantha

Add caption To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites


Leucospermum To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Lollipop Plant

Lollipop Plant When the flowers look like the bananas! Yes, that’s the thing with this distinctive plant which has Banana-like flowers. It’s an ideal indoor container plant and you can keep this plant to make your guests feel really amazed. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Powder Puff Flower

Powder Puff Flower Coming from the Pea family, this fluffy bloom resembles the amazing firework that we get to see in many different types of happy occasions. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Swaddled Babies

Swaddled Babies The Angloua Uniflora is a beautiful orchid which is commonly known by the name, Swaddled Babies. The plant grows in the Columbian Andes. The most stunning feature of the plant is its flowers which are large, creamy-white and waxy. Their structure is quite complex, and at a certain stage of opening, they start to look like a baby wrapped in swaddling cloth. Each flower blooms from a single stem from the base of the pseudobulbs. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Parrot Flower

Parrot Flower The Impatiens Psittacina is an amazing plant of the balsam family. The flowers are purple and carmine red in color. When viewed from the sides, the flowers seemingly resemble a parrot in flight. British botanist and explorer, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, first noted, in a scientific description of the plant in 1901, how its bloom looks like a ‘flying cockatoo’ and from then on, the name has stuck. This rare plant is found in Thailand, Burma, and parts of India. Also, it comes in 9th place among the most strange flowers in the world. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Bleeding Heart

The flower, especially in the bud form, of the Lamprocapnos, a flowering plant of the poppy family, oddly resembles the conventional shape of the heart with e droplet beneath. That is why, it has been given the name, a bleeding heart. The outer petals are bright fuchsia in colour. As the flower blooms further and the outer petals open up, the inner, white parts, often called the ‘lady in a bath’ become more visible. This plant is found in Siberia, northern China, Korea and Japan. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Happy Alien

Happy Alien This might look like a flower from another planet but Happy Aliens, also known as Darwin’s Slippers, are found in the southern tip of South America. The flower is mere 2 inches tall and resembles an alien-like figure holding a white tray. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Sea Poison Tree

Sea Poison Tree This flower is common along the coasts of Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. These attract bats and moths at night because of their sickly sweet smell. In some parts of India, they are grown along the streets for decorative purposes. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Parrot’s Beak

Parrot’s Beak is also known as “ Lotus berthelotii ” was first  found in New Zealand . The plant can now be found in wild regions near  Moturemu Island . The flower is  popularly known parrot’s beak because of its beak like appearance which sometimes resembles a lobster claw . The  flower  can grow up till six inches lengthwise and for 3 feet in width. They have soft petals in yellow, orange and red color which naturally brightens up in sunlight. The flower is pretty much extinct or you can extremely rare  floral species  due to the  extinction of Sunbird from the island which was this flower’s only pollinator since years . To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Black Bat Flower

Black bat flower is also known as  Tacca chantrieri  and can be  found in regions of South-East Asian countries . This flower has petals that look like a bat. These flowers are stark black in color. These need the high amount of water as well as humidity to survive, which makes them one of the rare flowers. They also have whiskers like a cat that grows up to 28 inches in length. Be it  flora or fauna , nature has its very own unique way of expressing itself. It makes every human discovery, a vain attempt in comparison to the state of art natural phenomena. Love nature and do shuffle up your  travel plans  to visit these rare flowers in the world sites. Don’t wait anymore for the right time, make it happen now. You never know what has Mother Nature planned for us. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia Arnoldii can be found in  low-lying rainforests  and  islands of Indonesia .  It has five huge petals having a whitish dot on them . The flower has a one of a kind look, with a stinky smell that attracts carrion flies and helps in  pollination . Being unisexual in nature it is hard for this flower to pollinate and hence to make it fall in the category one of the most beautiful rare flowers in the world. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

The Dracula Simia

The Dracula Simia  it resembles a monkey. Actually, the two petals that are hanging down are called Dracula because they resemble the fangs of a vampire and that face you see inside the petals is “Sima”, which means monkey in Latin. It is incredibly rare and grows at high altitudes, in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia. Before you move on to the next post, if you liked these rare flowers, make sure to also see these  stunning galaxy flowers To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Tiny babies ready for sleep

Tiny babies ready for sleep To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:    BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Orchus Italica

They’re holding hands and they are…naked. It’s just a flower, relax! To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Psychotria Elata

These lips are inviting To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit   BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Ophyrs Bomybliflora

One of the happiest flowers you’ve ever seen, right? We present to you, the happiest bumblebee orchid there is! To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:  BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Calceolaria Uniflora

It looks a little bit like an alien or a happy drummer, only it misses his sticks To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:  BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Ballerina orchid

To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:  BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites

Parrot’s Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

Classified as exceedingly rare since 1884, the Parrot’s Beak flower is believed to be  extinct  in the wild, though some individuals believe it may still be alive.  The plant is native to the Canary Islands and is believed to have been originally pollinated by sunbirds which have long gone extinct.  Experiments have been done to see if the flowers could have found new pollinators but, as of 2008, none of these experiments have been successful. To buy gifts flowers and toys for your loved ones visit:  BorivaliFlowers Disclaimer: contents and images are taken from google and other websites