Why are orchids so expensive?

A regular person can't grow them from seed as they are difficult to grow.  

Orchid seeds are very small and in nature are distributed by wind, air, and water. They have to interact with certain mycorrhiza in order to germinate and grow. They are started in laboratories in test tubes under controlled conditions, which obviously costs more money than a normal house plant. They don't grow terribly fast, so it costs to keep them to a reasonable size to sell, and even longer if you want to sell a blooming sized plant. It can take anywhere from 3-6 years from seedling to bloom.

Mericlones are also grown from stem tissue of certain types of orchids, like the slipper orchids. This is also a complicated ordeal and takes time and know-how.

So, to give a short answer, they are difficult to collect seed from, germinate, grow on, or clone, take a long time to get to blooming size and require a lot of special conditions such sterility at first. All this takes time and money, causing orchids to cost more than a house plant that you might be able to simply take a cutting from.

You can reduce your costs if you want to collect orchids by purchasing younger plants and growing them on to blooming size. Many suppliers will sell the same plant at different ages, and you can buy a plant a year or so from a blooming size at a more reasonable price as compared to a blooming plant.

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